Sons of Sarookh: Topango

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I’ll let Matt Love, the spiritual leader of the Sons of Sarookh, do the explaining:

Hi folks. many long ages ago, I sent a clip from a jam session I took part in to each of you. it was indifferently recorded and performed. I deliberately sent it without any key or tempo information. I wanted to see what each of you would do with it, and then I would stitch together the results.

I spent many long hours on it, and it didn’t jell. Not because any of the individual contributions were unsatisfactory, but I jumped into it without sufficient planning, and much later, I realized that I had taken the wrong approach, and I knew what the right approach was, but the idea of starting over was too discouraging.

Thanks to one of you, Vincent, and your persistent and gentle reminders, a couple of nights ago I located the individual parts and using the mental template I had developed in the later stages of doing it wrong, I did it right.

I called the results Topango, and posted it here.

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