1 mot, 1 chanson

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I’m launching a new musical experiment today:

1 mot, 1 chanson (a word, a song).

Here’s the pitch:

I like to write songs around lyrics. But inspiration doesn’t always come running when you call. So when the muses are playing hard to get, why not pick a word at random, tell the first story that comes to mind, and then put it all to music? One word, one song. When you leave things to chance, the results can be surprising.

Why a dedicated site?

Because I’m nuts.

I have a hard enough time publishing the Geeks each week, and I have to (tele)work to survive.

Still, here it is. Maybe it’ll function as a kick in the pants. Maybe other songwriters will want to play. Maybe readers will want to submit words. Or lyrics.

Time will tell.

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